The PLC series consists of numerous models in a wide variety of sizes, starting with 0.001g models with a draft shield for precise measurements with little material, up to the 30kg / 1g variant with a weighing surface in 30cm * 22cm DIN A4 format.
A complete overview of the series can be found in the following data sheet
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General information (all models)
Easily readable LCD display with backlight.
If the background lighting in the display is not required in a bright room, you can switch it off by pressing the "LIGHT" button. Recommended especially for saving energy in battery operation.

Stable stand thanks to height-adjustable feet.
An adjustment vial in the display facilitates alignment for a horizontal position.

Mobile operation, either with batteries (depending on the version 4 - 6 AA batteries) or in the PLC15K and PLC30K with an internal 4 Ah battery.

Removable stainless steel weighing surface, depending on the version (maximum measuring range).
For models with a small measuring range, a round weighing surface with 8.5 cm, 12 cm or 13.5 cm is supplied.
Versions with a load capacity of 2kg or more are supplied with a square 16 cm * 19 cm or 30 cm * 22 cm weighing surface.
The mounting differs between the different versions, each platform is attached in such a way that a perfect transfer to the load cell built into the scale is possible.
Place a container on the scale, now press TARE and the scale jumps back to "0"
Now you can fill in your ingredient.
This also works in the negative area. Place a full pack on the scale and press TARE, the display jumps to "0"
If you take something out of the pack now, the weight that has become lighter than e.g. "-100 g" is shown in the display.
The weight on top is usually displayed as grams.
If necessary, you can automatically convert it into the following units:
g (gram), ct (carat), ozt (troy ounce), oz (ounce), GN (gran), dwt (pennyweight), lb (pound)
A practical counting function. Tthe scale automatically calculates the amount using the piece weight of an object when placing a larger amount.
Note: The piece weight must of course not be less than the readability of the scale, otherwise the measurement is not possible.
CAL - (Calibration):
In order to adapt the scale perfectly to the local environmental conditions or if your PLC is misaligned, you can reset the scale with a reference weight.
Note: Depending on the version of the scale, a different weight between 100g and 20kg is required. You can find the details in the technical data sheet.
The most sensitive versions of the PLC (the scales with 0.001g readability) come with a suitable test weight.
No weight is included with the other scales, but of course each one has been adjusted by us before shipping and is delivered ready for use.
Additional test weights are optionally available.
Extended menu
With all professional and semi-professional G&G balances, you have the option of setting important operating parameters of the balance yourself.
For reliable weighing under rough conditions (unavoidable drafts, vibrations on the table or technical sources of interference in the vicinity, e.g. radio radiation) you can increase the sensitivity of the balance.
The scale allows more time to determine the weight and calculate the mean value over several seconds; small fluctuations are not displayed.
The vibration filter also ensures that once a weight has been recorded, it can be read in a stable manner without the display constantly fluctuating.
Under good ambient conditions and for dispensing work, you can adapt this to your needs. The balance then reacts much faster and shows changing weights in the display after a very short reaction time, as can be seen here:
(The following link leads to a video stored on Google Drive. The Google Privacy Policy:)
Note: The key combination "UNIT + ON / OFF" shown in the video does not work on all models. On PLC scales with an RS232 interface, you must hold down the "CAL" key instead of "UNIT" before switching on. You can find details in the manual for your balance.